Learning Spanish Right
-The most sophisticated program to learn Spanish anywhere.

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Are You Ready For Fluent Spanish?
When the Navy’s Special Warfare Command tried to figure out how to learn Spanish back in 2009, Fluenz was the answer.
Our clients at Google, the UN, Apple and Amazon agree.

Sonia Gil, Spanish tutor and Fluenz founder
Fastest Way To Speak Spanish
3 Reasons Fluenz Spanish is Worth it.
1. Unique Path
The only program anywhere specifically designed for English-speakers...
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2. Total Approach
YouTube videos, Duolingo and Slow News are all useful but not enough to reach fluency...
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3. Proven Results
Unique among digital programs, Fluenz puts its program to the test every single month...
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The Most Advanced
Fluenz Spanish, yet.

F7 is the latest iteration of the world's most sophisticated Spanish-learning program.
It combines hundreds of updates made to the learning sequences, as well as complete upgrades to the iPhone and Android apps. The new version also involves the reconfiguration of our cloud platforms to deliver faster interactive content.
Version F7 has been seamlessly delivered, free of charge, to every customer that purchased Fluenz starting in February 2007.
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“Kick your Spanish
into high gear”
“Fluenz Trumps
Rosetta Stone”
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Your Mobile, Computer and Tablet Apps–They all talk to each other so you can jump from phone to computer and never miss a beat.
Access Fluenz Spanish online from your desktop or laptop, or download our mobile apps, to learn your new language, right on your computer, iPhone, iPad, and Android phone.
Real Fluenz Learners

Rigorous and no nonsense way to learn Spanish. Get ready to work hard and you will learn.
Ajay Singhon
Amazon verified purchase

I’ve never had as positive an experience with a product as I have with Fluenz.
J. Roe | Amazon verified purchase
Finally a REAL way to learn a language.
TGun | Amazon verified purchase
What You Learn
In Fluenz Spanish.
Level 1
Master the basics and gain the ability to navigate through a new country or city.
- Greeting and introducing yourself
- Going out to eat and for entertainment
- Shopping and monetary transactions
- Navigating airports and bus stations
- Taking transports and communicating with taxi drivers
- Discussing origins
- Making hotel reservations and other travel arrangements
- Looking for people and places (directions)
- Expressing needs
- Regular AR verbs and essential irregular verbs in the present tense
- Building sentences in the future
- Using the two verbs for To be: Ser and Estar
- Addressing people in a formal or informal manner
- Forming basic questions and negations
- Forming basic plurals
- Masculine and feminine gender of nouns and adjectives
- Basic pronouns and quantifiers
- Demonstratives and possessives
- Essential contractions (prepositions + articles)
- Basic comparisons
- Counting up to 999,999 and expressing time
- Sounds of Spanish
Spanish 1 has been designed to prepare you for the most important and common situations you'll face in the Spanish-speaking world. At the same time, you'll develop a strong foundation in how the language actually works, allowing you to go beyond simple stock phrases to actually building sentences yourself. This is a serious introduction to the language.
Right from the start, you'll begin working with powerful structures and key vocabulary so that you can build useful Spanish sentences. After only a few sessions, you'll already be having meaningful interactions in a restaurant, and soon you'll be shopping, making plans with friends, getting around a city, going out for entertainment, and making travel arrangements with confidence.
You'll build upon these skills through practice with key verbs and adjectives, so that you can express your needs and desires in diverse situations with considerable detail. As you learn how to use possessives, pronouns, and form future tense sentences, you'll expand your range of communication while adding an important level of depth to your interactions. Further work on location along with important time expressions will round out your introduction to the Spanish language, leaving you well-prepared to dive into your experiences in the Spanish-speaking world.
Level 2
Solidify your foundation and begin to acquire the tools for more serious engagement.
- Making plans with friends and telling a simple story
- Going out and interacting at restaurants and stores
- Renting a car
- Sending packages
- Expressing likes and dislikes
- Finding your way
- Making more complex travel and work arrangements
- Buying gifts and souvenirs
- Describing places and items
- Going to the pharmacy or doctor’s
- Regular and essential irregular verbs in the past tense
- Regular ER and IR verbs in the present tense
- Introduction to object pronouns
- Forming more complex statements and questions
- Place and form of adjectives (feminines and plurals)
- Comparatives and superlatives
- More advanced preposition usage
- More crucial quantifiers and other articles
- Further work with plurals
- Colors
- Using essential time adverbs and expressions
Spanish 2 picks up where the first level leaves off, deepening your grasp of the fundamentals through new verb tenses and conjugations, an expanding vocabulary, and a broad range of other key parts of the language. By the end of Spanish 2, you'll have begun to make substantial inroads into becoming a more serious Spanish speaker, ideally preparing you for moving on to a more intermediate level.
You'll begin perfecting your verb conjugations in the very beginning, including both past tense and important irregular verbs. From there, you'll continue to build upon the structures learned in Spanish 1, so that your journey through this second level leads to more complex and meaningful interactions in restaurants, travel agencies, stores, and with friends. You'll buy clothing from boutique stores and a cell phone for your trip ; you'll enjoy local cuisine at restaurants, and visit museums with friends. And as your ability to express location—along with giving and understanding directions—grows, you'll find yourself thoroughly prepared for navigating any Spanish-speaking city or neighborhood.
As with all Fluenz programs, these critical scenarios provide the setting through which your grasp of the language's fundamentals is steadily developed. By enhancing your ability with the central topics covered in the previous level (such as articles, pronouns, verbs, and genders), you'll solidify your foundation in the language. Meanwhile, the introduction of new structures and vocabulary (such as new adjectives, comparative forms, and many time expressions) combines with more serious responsibilities, such as going to the doctor and handling office tasks, preparing you to engage more seriously with the Spanish-speaking world.
Level 3
Connect more deeply and confidently with the world around you.
- Completing home and office tasks
- Renting an apartment or a house
- Discussing family
- Describing people
- Talking about studies and learning
- Talking about hobbies and sports
- Discussing the weather
- Scheduling, including making plans with friends and colleagues
- Complex dining and shopping interactions
- Advanced issues related to going out at night and entertainment
- Expressing opinions and preferences
- Managing computer and other technology issues and terms
- Expressing goals
- Constructing more complex sentences using past, present, and future tense verbs
- More irregular verbs in past and present tenses
- Further work on formal and informal pronouns
- Forming all types of questions
- Extensive work on articles and adjectives
- Ordinal numbers
- Further work on comparatives and introduction of superlatives
- Structure of indirect speech
- Further work on replacement and object pronouns
- Asking for words or information
- Ordinal numbers (floors)
- Prices and rates
- Complete dates
Spanish 3 dramatically expands your ability with the language. While Levels 1+2 establish the strongest possible foundation in the language, Level 3 builds upon this base into areas of substantial complexity that add an impressive layer of subtlety and sophistication to your speech. You also begin to develop the ability to connect with Spanish speakers around more personal topics.
By the time we arrive at Level 3, the foundation has been set for a pivotal moment of growth. Building upon all that has been learned in the previous levels, your depth and range of communication will quickly broaden. As your skills develop with more adverbs, verb conjugations, and colloquial phrases and questions, your conversations will become more fluid and natural. In the end, other important topics, such as essential computing expressions, the use of superlatives, and expressing opinions and preferences will combine with more real-world vocabulary to bring you to an impressive level of competency in Spanish.
Throughout the program, you'll use these skills at home and in the office, while talking to people about your studies and professional life, and in order to rent an apartment. You'll also shop, dine, take pictures, and enjoy the entertainment that the great cities and communities of the Spanish-speaking world have to offer. By the end of Spanish 3, you'll have taken a major step towards becoming a serious Spanish speaker, capable of handling intricate conversations and complicated situations with confidence.
Level 4
Open new doors into travel, business, and community.
- Discussing family and childhood stories
- Seasons and climate
- Handling complex currency and money-related issues
- Opening and closing a bank account
- Traveling around Brazil
- Navigating city traffic and parking
- Outdoor activities and planning
- Describing places: going around cities, beaches, mountains
- Sports and sports equipment
- Talking about clothes
- Spanish culture
- Building phrases in the recent past and the near future
- Introduction to verbs using specific prepositions
- Introduction to reflexive verbs
- Geographical terms and cardinal directions
- Nuancing your speech: further work on formal/informal language
- Expressing obligation
- More irregular verb forms in past and present tenses
- Crucial expressions with essential verbs (tener, hacer, tomar…)
- Crucial work on essential prepositions: por and para
- Using direct and indirect object pronouns
- Complex comparative and superlative structures
Spanish 4 continues adding critical pieces to your communication. From the subtle uses of the prepositions “a”, “de”, “por” and “para” to more refined object pronoun use, this level expands on the sophistication developed with Spanish 3. It also addresses topics that allow you to express a much wider range of emotion, from opinions and preferences to wishes and desires, or even obligation, as well as to adapt your speech to all types of speakers and interactions.
These areas of the language fit perfectly with the situations you'll find yourself in as you journey through the level. As you learn how to use reflexive verbs and indirect objects, you'll hold conversations about your family and childhood, cultural issues, interests, and more. By the end of the level, you’ll know how to address issues of season and climate, open or close a bank account, and handle more complicated issues. In addition to an extensive vocab on some outstanding topics like street directions, travel plans, beach essentials or sports equipments, you’ll also learn how to make calls and ask for important information.
This level is designed for you to reach a whole new level of fluency and acquire the necessary skills for integrating yourself more deeply in a Spanish-speaking community. Spanish 4 is where you begin to develop the ability to move beyond being just a tourist, student, doctor, or business professional who can capably interact with the Spanish-speaking world. With Spanish 4, you begin to become a part of the community.
Level 5
Make friends, collaborate with colleagues, and become a true member of the community.
- Discussing and using the Internet and social media
- Advanced conversations about food and diet
- Discussing the arts and artwork
- Talking about studies, professions and titles
- Talking about countries and nationalities
- Extended family
- Animals and pets
- Making deposits and wire transfers
- Complex trip and meeting planning
- Writing letters and emails
- Sharing menus and recipes
- Visiting the doctor and physical terms
- Filling out forms
- Dealing with basic legal issues
- Airport announcements
- Telling stories in the preterite and imperfect past tenses
- Forming and using the imperfect tense
- Expressing emotions in present and past tenses
- Introduction to reciprocal pronouns
- Advanced issues on the positioning of adjectives and adverbs
- In-depth work on prepositions
- Expressing relative time
- Using where and when as conjunctions
- Using basic relative pronouns: that, who, which
- Complex quantifiers and comparisons
- The alphabet and complex phonetics issues
- Introduction to formal addresses and pronouns (written)
Spanish 5 builds on the skills acquired through the previous levels, adding substantial layers of subtlety and sophistication to your ability with the language. You'll master complex grammatical issues like the use of the preterite vs. imperfect past tenses, speak more naturally through colloquial expressions and lots of new vocab, and communicate more fluidly with greater diversity in tone and structure.
As with all Spanish programs, these skills are developed over the course of 30 full sessions that will take you on a journey through real, daily-life experiences in the Spanish-speaking world. You'll plan memorable trips with friends, arrange meetings with colleagues, discuss the arts, and exchange delicious recipes. You'll also further your ability to handle those things that are critical to establishing yourself more deeply in a community, from taking care of legal matters to more formal writing.
While there will of course still exist many ways to improve your Spanish, and building a larger vocabulary will allow you to discuss a wider range of topics, Spanish 5 will bring you to a point where grammar will no longer be an obstacle to communication. By the time you complete this level, you will truly be an experienced Spanish speaker.

Fluenz Spanish Immersions
The world’s most intense week of Spanish learning.
Unique among digital language companies, Fluenz welcomes its most demanding learners to an exclusive week of Spanish Immersion in beautiful settings every month of the year. No other language program gets this kind of direct, real-time validation. Go to Spanish Immersion for information.

Yogi Adriene Mishler from YWA at the Mexico City Fluenz Spanish Immersion.

Organic farmer David Liker at the Mexico City Fluenz Spanish Immersion.
“Fluenz trumps Rosetta stone.”
DIFFERENCES IN APPROACHES: Rosetta Stone believes in fully immersing the student in the language, without using any English to explain phrases. Fluenz believes adults learn best when they can relate the grammar and syntax of a foreign language to the structure of the tongue they already know.
THE VERDICT: Fluenz’s approach is much better. Hearing English while going through Italian words helps with learning and retention.
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