An evening for archaeology enthusiasts! Our Spanish Immersions have it all

Friday evenings are very special for our Fluenz Spanish Immersion groups! We take them on a private tour of the National Anthropology Museum.

Mexico was the cradle of many important civilizations; it’s no wonder there are over 180 archaeological sites all over the country, luring thousands of tourists and archaeologists every year.

From buried Mayan cities, to deeper excavations in downtown Mexico City, there are new findings practically every day. Yet the iconic Sun Stone, which surfaced near the cathedral about 200 years ago, remains the most famous Aztec sculpture. The stone is 358 centimeters in diameter and 98 centimeters thick, and weighs 24,590 kg.

So on Friday nights after closing, our Fluenz Spanish Immersion group goes on a private tour of the museum. And every time we are all immediately drawn to this powerful symbol. It’s definitely one of those works of art that inspires awe, regardless of how many times you’ve seen it.

Our private nighttime visit to the museum is one of our most special activities at the Fluenz Spanish Immersion, more so if you love all things archaeology. So come learn Spanish and delve into the mysteries of ancient Mexico.