After 15 years of working with hundreds of thousands of learners, at Fluenz we know all too well that reaching fluency is no game at all. You have to work hard, no doubt, but you also need a powerful program that can get you where you want to go; a program that addresses your needs and guides you every step of the way. 

From our multi-device App to the on-site and online immersions, we’ve created the most comprehensive language journey in the world. Every moment of learning, every sequence, every word you learn, has been carefully calibrated to address the unique challenge English-speakers face when learning a language.

We deliver results for our participants every single day, and that’s what inspires many of them to come back for more. Some stick to the App, some go for the on-site immersions, and yet others are recently trying our new online immersion, but regardless of which they choose to do, the outcome is always amazing. Of course, those who decide on taking the entire Fluenz journey have an advantage, and trust us when we say it’s really worth it. 

Come join us for some real language learning. Stop the games and write us at